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Sunday, February 21, 2010

**FAOAM Board Elections and Social Hour** Thursday, 01 April

The time has come to elect a new board for the FAO Association of Monterey.  We'll hold the elections during our first Social Hour at the Del Monte Room (around the corner from the Trident, here at NPS), which will run from 1530-1730 on Thursday, 01 April (the first Thursday of the new quarter).  Below is a list of the positions available, along with the names of the folks in those spots – feel free to email direct to ask questions about what any particular job entails.  Our charter is also attached to provide the basics on each job.  The term will be for the next two quarters/six months (i.e., you must graduate no earlier than Sep 2010 to be eligible).  New students are absolutely encouraged to join us!
Chairperson (Luke Gunnels)
Vice-Chairperson (Andrew Mueller)
Comptroller (Dave Lopez)
Communications Director (Maia Molina-Schaefer)
Events Coordinator (Enid Brackett)
Webmaster (Graham Plaster)
DLI Representative (Duane Bailey)
FAO-CAP Coordinator (Enid Brackett)
Please email me NLT Wednesday, 31 March, to put your name in the hat for any of the above spots.


Register Today to attend the 4th Annual Foreign Area Officer Conference

The theme is “Warrior – Scholar – Diplomat” and we are expecting to have some exciting panelists join us for this entirely student-run event.  Check out the flyer here.  Register here.

In other FAO News: Check out the monthly flyer from the Foreign Area Officer Association in Washington D.C.  They're making serious efforts to gain further representation from the Diplomatic (Pol-Mil) and Security Cooperation FAOs. The flyer shows current demographics and has info on how to get connected with them.

Also, check out this interview  (aired on Federal News Radio in DC on Tuesday, February 16, 2010) about the Joint FAO Program at NPS. Interviewee is Dr. Mabry, the Executive Director of the Joint FAO Skill Sustainment Pilot Program.  Topics include profiling the FAO skill set, and explaining Naval Postgraduate School offerings within the LREC education continuum. :  Federal News Radio 1500 AM: New program brings more culture to the military.

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Interview with Executive Director of the Joint FAO Skill Sustainment Pilot Program, Dr. Tristan Mabry

Check out this interview  (aired on Federal News Radio in DC on Tuesday, February 16, 2010) about the Joint FAO Program at NPS. Interviewee is Dr. Mabry, the Executive Director of the Joint FAO Skill Sustainment Pilot Program.  Topics include profiling the FAO skill set, and explaining Naval Postgraduate School offerings within the LREC education continuum.

Federal News Radio 1500 AM: New program brings more culture to the military.

Upcoming Events

Tuesday, 23 Feb, 1200-1250: Service-specific Brownbag Lunch

Senior FAOs from each of the services will sit down for lunch with FAOs in training from their services. An informal Q+A session aimed at answering questions about professional development, career progression, and any other questions you bring to the event.

Room assignments are:
Army: GL-113
Navy: GL-129
Air Force: IN-122 (across from the library entrance)
Marines: GL-102
Wednesday, 24 Feb, 1700-1900: No-host Social Hour at the Trident Room

Come and join us for a chance to speak with these experienced FAOs in a relaxed atmosphere at everyone’s favorite watering hole.
Next Annual FAO Conference, 8-9 April @ NPS

Theme is “Warrior – Scholar – Diplomat” and we are expecting to have some exciting panelists join us. It is an entirely student-run event, which is what makes it so special. Check out the flyer here.